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Men's Ministry Breakfast and Work Bee February 2025
Men's Ministry Breakfast January 2025

New Cameras install

Men's Ministry Breakfast & Work bee 6-9-24
Fishing Trip 6-2-24
Fishing Trip was a huge success. Thank you Tom and Pewee Valley for the supporting this ministry. The kids and especially the men had a great time!
Thank You!
A big thank you to all those who showed up for Men's Ministry breakfast as well as the church sign cleaning mini-bee. The sign looks great. We appreciate your time and hard work.
Reminder: Glow track conversation
Please try and reach out to have at least one conversation about the Glow Tracts prior to our next meeting. Excited to hear the testimonies.
Men's Ministry Breakfast 1/21/24
A big thanks to all the gentlemen who showed up for Men's Ministry Breakfast. The fellowship and testimonies were humbling and encouraging. Can't wait to see what God has in store for us and our church this year.